Alabama Medical License

Alabama Medical License

To be safe and take better care of your health you’d better confirm if your doctor has a medical license or not. makes it easy to conduct an Alabama Medical Board license lookup. Whether you want to confirm that your license is part of the Alabama medical license lookup or Alabama physician license lookup, or you want to verify that someone isn’t lying about their license, there are a few things you should know about this type of license.

How long does it take to get an Alabama medical license?

The process of applying for and receiving a medical license in Alabama may take a minimum of eight weeks. On average, the process of getting your Alabama medical license may take about twelve to sixteen weeks.

Once you get your license, you will receive a pocket identification card and a wall certificate. After getting your Alabama medical license, your name will appear in the Alabama medical license lookup or Alabama physician license lookup lists.

If you want to apply for an Alabama medical license you should meet the following requirements:

  • You should graduate from a college/university accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education of the American Medical Association or by the American Osteopathic Association. If you graduate from an accredited college or university you should complete one year if postgraduate training in any of the programs listed here, if you graduated from a non-accredited college/university you will need to complete three years of postgraduate trainings
  • You should have a passing score for any of the listed exams: Federation Licensing Examination, National Board of Medical Examiners, National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners COMLEX, Licensing Medical Council for Canada Examination, United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE)
  • You should have a recent clinical practice proof
  • You should have a legal presence proof (U.S. ID, visa, work permit etc.)

You can find the application form here:

For your Alabama Medical license you will need to pay $75, but there are some other payments that you will need to make. Such us universal application fee, which is $60, $175 Board application fee and criminal background check fee, which is $65.

Besides, you will need to renew your license every year. Your Alabama medical license expires on December 31 each year. The renewal period is from October 1st to December 31st. You will receive an email as a reminder and get access to your Licensee portal.

Is an Alabama physician’s license to practice medicine valid in all 50 states?

Recently, The Alabama Board of Medical Examiners and the Medical Licensure Commission have adopted emergency administrative rules and procedures allowing for the emergency licensing of qualified medical personnel. These measures will allow physicians and physician assistants who possess full and unrestricted medical licenses from appropriate medical licensing agencies to apply for and receive temporary emergency licenses to practice in Alabama. This decision was made because of the pandemic situation we have in the world. Many other states have made this kind of decisions, to make it easy to get a license to work in hospitals.

But in general, for each state the Medical Board defines and creates rules, how you can practice there. If you already obtain an Alabama Medical license, but want to move or work in other state, you can scroll down, find the state that interests you and learn how you can apply for endorsement license or transfer your Alabama Medical license there.

Do medical licenses transfer from Alabama to other states?

The Medical State Board of Alabama issues the licenses based on the education and clinical practice you have passed. If it is acceptable for the state you are moving it will be easier for you to obtain a license there.

If you are moving from Alabama to a Compact State, you can apply for a licensure by endorsement. If you have an Alabama multistate license, you may not wait until the expiration day of the license to apply in the new primary state of residency. You are eligible to practice on your Alabama medical license, till the multistate license in new NLC home is issued. When you receive your new license you should change your permanent legal state of residence from Alabama in your profile. You can check with your new home state board if there are other required documents.

If you are moving to a non- Compact state, you should apply for a licensure again by endorsement. But here, the required documents and the procedure is different. First of all, you should notify the Alabama Medical Board through your profile, and you should know that your multistate license will become a single state license in this case.

Elen G

Elen G

Elen is an English-Armenian-Russian translator and interpreter. But recently she tested her skills in content writing. According to her words, it's her new passion. Elen finds it more interesting to make searches and write content rather than look through the dictionaries to find a good synonym for a word. She hopes, that she will succeed in this field too, and will continue to grow and learn every day.